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Severe Weather Procedures

As you are aware, the weather in Texas can be unpredictable.  A major storm can be occurring in one area of the Metroplex and nonexistent in another.  In the event of severe weatherstorms producing lightning and/or heavy rain, or a rainy dayrain without the presence of lightning, KISD has adopted a set of guidelines for arrival and dismissal during these potentially dangerous conditions. 


Severe Weather (Lightning/Tornado) Procedures

  • All staff members will remain inside the building during severe weather.  They may not escort students to or from vehicles at any time.  
  • Please contact the front office if you will be picking up a child that is typically a walker during severe weather by 2:30 pm to ensure messages are received and delivered to classroom teachers.
  • Please expect delays.
  • Staff will not be on duty outside
  • Staff will be in the building by the designated door entrance to greet your children.
  • Parents may choose to park and walk their children to the door.
  • Parents coming inside the building will need to continue to enter through the front entrance and to be checked in. 
  • If the severe weather passes before 7:55 am staff will resume normal arrival procedures.
  • We will not count students tardy until 8:30 on these days
  • Students will remain inside the building.
  • Parents can park either in the parking lot or in the car line to come get their student. They will come to their normal dismissal location.
  • All students will be kept safely inside the building school until a parent or designee arrives and enters the building to walk them to their vehicles.   
  • Daycare and bus students will remain inside the school gym until it is safe for them to walk to the bus. 
Dismissal (Bike Riders and Walkers) 
  • We will not dismiss walkers or bike riders until the weather subsides.
  • Please contact the front office by 2:30 if you are planning to pick up a child that typically walks or rides their bike home on a severe weather day.


Rainy Day (No Lightning) Procedures

  • Arrival will continue as normal.  
  • Should the weather intensify during this time, we will implement our Severe Weather Procedures. 
  • We will dismiss normally.  
  • The children will stay under the covered walkways or inside the building until their ride arrives and school staff will load them. The traffic patterns will remain the same.
  • Please expect delays
 Walkers/Bike Riders
  • We will dismiss walkers and bike riders as we normally do unless otherwise directed, in advance, by a parent/guardian.
  • If heavy rain is present, we will keep students in the building until the rain is light/moderate.
  • If the weather intensifies during dismissal and the students are still on campus, we will bring them back into the building.  However, once the students are off campus, students will continue home.  
  • Please contact the front office by 2:30 if you are planning to pick up a child that typically walks or rides their bike home on a rainy day.